Municipal Auditorium of Lucena

The new auditorium configuration reflects the current urban development quidelines of the city of Lucena. There is an invitation to walking along the river and around the fairgrounds at the northwest of the city. A gradual sequence of open public spaces and semi-open private spaces, leads the journey that hosts a number of features, enhancing the flexible and multifunctional vocation of the new auditorium. This gradation begins with the “Entrance Forum’’ outdoors, continues along the ‘’Terrace Foyer” in front of the river, and culminates with the “Central Court” that accompanies the entry of the two major programmatic venues: the Auditorium and the Boards Exhibition.
Competition: 1st. prize, January 2006
Status: 1st. phase completed on November 2014
Location: Lucena, Spain
Client: Lucena City Council
Budget: 12M€
Area: 6,700 sqm
Architects: Boris Bezan, Mara Partida, Héctor Mendoza (MXSI)
Photographs: Pedro Pegenaute